A. H. Sheriffdeen

Deshamanya Professor A. H. Sheriffdeen
Nationality Sri Lankan
Occupation Emeritus Professor of Surgery and Consultant General and Vascular Surgeon, Chairman Action Care Trust
Known for Co Founder of Sri Lankas First Kidney Transplant Programme, Founder Vascular Surgery Speciality in Sri Lanka, Voluntary Worker, Volunteer Social worker, lobbysist and activist on disability and gender orientation rights
Title Deshamanya Professor

Professor A. H. Sheriffdeen is a Sri Lankan Surgeon, academic and voluntary worker.[1]

Sheriffdeen was educated at St Andrew's College, Nawalapitiya, St. Anthony's College, Kandy [2] and Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo qualifying Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery.[3] He trained in the UK becoming a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.

Sheriffdeen was Professor of Surgery at Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo with contemporaries Priyani Soysa, Ravindra fernando and Rezvi Sheriff.

Sheriffdeen is best known for introducing Vascular Surgery and also for establishing Transplant Surgery in Sri Lanka in partnership with Professor Rezvi Sheriff.[4] He together with J.B. Peiris and others described a new clinical entity Transient emboligenic aortoarteritis.[5] He has been chairman of the Ministry of Health Trauma protocols at the Trauma Secretariat,[6] Board of Study in Surgery at Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, President Sri Lanka Medical Association and President The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka. He has authored biographies of Sri Lankan Surgeons.[7]

Sheriffdeen has provided leadership and expertise to many voluntary services including ACT Lanka which he is Chairman and is a leading activist in HIV AIDS at National [8] and International level.[9] He has been President and Vice President of the Charity Colombo Friend in Need Society, Chairman AIDEX (Aid to the Ex-Abled)Sri Lanka in addition to Chairing the Jaipur Foundation programme for Jaipur leg users throughout Sri Lanka.

Sheriffdeen was awarded the title Deshamanya by the Government of Sri Lanka, Honorary Fellowships by Ceylon College of Physicians and the College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka. He is an amateur golfer of repute.[10][11]


  1. ^ "Chairman". www.actlanka.org. http://www.actlanka.org/about/people/. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  2. ^ "Antonian Awards for Excellence". www.sackoba.org. http://www.sackoba.org/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=64&Itemid=88. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  3. ^ "INSPIRING LIVESIssues Med Ethics.2003 Oct-Dec;11(4)". www.issuesinmedicalethics.org. http://www.issuesinmedicalethics.org/114il124.html. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  4. ^ "Obstacles overcome Renowned surgeon Professor A.H. Sheriffdeen has been an integral part of the kidney transplant programme since its inception....". www.nation.lk. http://www.nation.lk/2006/06/04/eyefea12.htm. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  5. ^ Arch Neurol. 1978 Jul ;35 (7):416-22 Transient emboligenic aortoarteritis. Noteworthy new entity in young stroke patients. H R Wickremasinghe, J B Peiris, P N Thenabadu, A H Sheriffdeen
  6. ^ "Chairman Clinical protocols". www.actlanka.org. http://www.traumaseclanka.gov.lk/contacts.htm/index.html. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  7. ^ "Fitting tribute to an eminent surgeon, Reflections on the life of Dr. Noel Bartholomeusz Editors: Nirmali Hettiarachchi and A. H. Sheriffdeen pp 124, illustrated". www.dailynews.lk. http://www.dailynews.lk/2004/06/25/fea06.html. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  8. ^ "Trustees Professor A.H.Sheriffdeen, FRCS, FRCSE, Hon.DSc(Col).". www.rxpgnews.com. http://aidsfoundationlanka.org/trust.html. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  9. ^ "Colombo AIDS event reveals a 'safe pearl in ocean'". www.rxpgnews.com. http://www.rxpgnews.com/worldhealthcare/Colombo-AIDS-event-reveals-a-safe-pearl-in-ocean_printer.shtml. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  10. ^ "'Pin Fernando' golf finalists found". http://www.dailynews.lk/2008/07/26/spo23.asp. http://www.dailynews.lk/2008/07/26/spo23.asp. Retrieved 2011-08-25. 
  11. ^ "119th SL Open Amateur Golf Competition – 2006". www.island.lk. http://www.island.lk/2006/11/09/sports11.html. Retrieved 2011-08-25.